"We don't become southern, we're born that way."

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Soaking Grains Recipe Series Part 1: Intro

What a great book!!

So I told my friend Katie on Sunday that I had not really been soaking anymore and that I had to get back to it. So as a way of keeping myself accountable I am going to start this series on soaking grains. I am not going to go into a lot of detail about why soaking your grains is so good for you. But I just want to share what I actually soak and use on a regular basis. From reading Nourishing Traditions I was able to understand the basics of how to soak and merely adapt the recipes that my family already likes to a soaked version. What I understood is that you need something cultured or acidic to sour the dough (ACV, lemon juice, buttermilk, yogurt, whey, etc.) and you need to hold out your salts, rising ingredient, and eggs until after the souring process. (salt, baking soda, baking powder, yeast)  I will share one recipe/ tutorial per post. I hope this is helpful or encouraging to someone!! And there will be alot of pictures:)

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