"We don't become southern, we're born that way."

Saturday, November 16, 2013

A cloth diaper confession....

I confess, I got rid of all microfiber. And all stay dry.
Two simple reasons.
Reason Number 1:
          I was sick and tired of leaks. Which meant I was changing the bed sheets and mattress covers like everyday. Not fun. Extra work and extra laundry. My little guy is just plain skinny. And he is always messing with his diapers. Between the two it makes for diapering problems. (even with disposables- yeah I tried those in desperation. But he hated them. He would say no, and find a cloth diaper to give to me instead! I guess cloth really does 'feel better' even for a 1 year old.)
Reason Number 2:
           I was sick and tired of dealing with stinky microfiber. It is such a pain to care for. Why is it so hard to get clean? So annoying. I thought of just stuffing my pockets with cotton, but the micro-suede or fleece just doesn't absorb as quickly as cotton so I figured why bother? Just sell them.
         SO I did sell all of my BGs. I only took a 10 percent loss on them. I think that is pretty good considering they were used for a few months. So I took that money and got 12 ClothEez Workhorse Diapers Size Large with snap closures and few new covers to go with a dozen pre-folds that I already had on hand from Ethan. I thought about adding 2-4 Simplex AIOs for the diaper bag, but I am trying to just get him potty trained and get my baby stash ready. With the money I also got a cover and 6 Simplex AIOs for the new baby. And I got the boy's new bedset. (so in a sense I still have $40 I haven't spent)

          I have to say that I totally agree with Karen (greenmountaindiapers.com) that cotton is just the best fabric for cloth diapers. Period. It performs the best. It cleans the best. There are options: flats, prefolds, fitteds, inserts, and all in ones. Find the cotton love. I have. And I hope that Thirsties will come out with a cotton diaper one day because I love Thirsties. That is my cover of choice- although I would like to try a Swaddlebees Capri, I just don't know if they are worth the extra $4.25 a cover! Since I have tried cotton and tried the new 'fancy' diapers, I know that for me cotton is best and I hope that I will always remember that and stick with beautiful cotton from here on out! I am already getting baby number 3's all cotton stash in order. More on that to come!

Nathan's soft, fluffy, sparkling cotton stash:

ClothEez Prefolds, Thirsties Covers, Thirsties Cotton/Hemp Inserts

ClothEez Workhorse Diapers

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